Thursday, October 16, 2008

Watching the Debate in HD: Holy Cow!

huddled together watching the debate

Lulu and Phoebe dominated the space in front of the television last night watching the showdown in HD. It wasn't long before they scrambled from the room in fear because up close and personal, the sneering, spittle driven McCracker literally scared the shit out of them. I should send the carpet cleaning bill to your campaign Senator?

This wasn't even a draw. President Obama held his own and then some.

The scariest part of the whole thing was Bob Schieffer and his maniacal grin. Apparently he wanted to win the election himself. You know the one. The election for the most creative 2008 Presidential debate moderator. He came up with some crazy questions that merely drowned out the candidates ability to answer better questions that we care about. But Gwen Ifill wins hands down. The woman had a broken ankle and she put up with the crazy one in stilettos.

But one question that Schieffer did ask was a doozy. The Veep question. We were hoping that McCracker would rise to the occasion and say what we all know. That McPalin is really Dick Cheney, after his successful gender change surgery, with hair extensions and stilettos. But nope. He never fessed up. Just mavericked her to pieces. And ever the gentleman, President Obama took a pass on the obvious.

Lulu felt that the blinking thing McCain had going on was a new twitch to add to the list of stuff he does before he cracks. She again suggested that perhaps his girdle might have been too tight. She was concerned that he might just explode like a runaway popcorn kernel.

Speaking of, Phoebe was angry with McCain because when they ran for their lives after he laid out the first hatchet chop with his arm and the spittle was coming at them in HD, the popcorn scattered all over the room. Now that really isn't much of a problem for her since she has a keen nose, but that meant that the butter would also be scattered all over the room too and there isn't anything worse than wasting fine butter on a rug!

Is it election day yet?

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