Monday, October 13, 2008

The Accidental Vice President: Just Pretend!

looking for the ends of the earth on a long and wandering walk

It feels a bit like channeling Tina Fey-isms. It is beginning and I am going to need a large glass of wine. I actually understand McPalin's tongue-speak in the article below. That alone merits a long wandering walk with the Lulu and Phoebe with the hope that since the world is flat (according to the View's Sherrie Shepard) the three of us would fall off and end up on the other side where there is no Sarah Palin or McCracker running for PTA President! I have a headache.

I wonder what flummoxed McPalin? Was it trying to do more than one thing at once? Was it trying to read the teleprompter (do they bring those things to every rally?) and losing her place? Was it a bit of a hearing issue because, after all, she is at that age where the hearing does really start to go? Or, wait! Was it that she can't operate at all without her Lt. Governor, First Dude, Todd?

Perhaps that is why he hangs out with his own table and phone in the Governor's office in Alaska. Could it be that the McCracker campaign (badly) vetted the wrong Governor?

And here is the question of the day. How is it possible that even a small percentage of the United States voting populous thinks it is a good idea for someone this thin (as in ability and substance) to be the Vice President to a guy who is 112 years old and has had several cancers?

Palin accidentally reprimands supporters? How about the Accidental Vice President?

October 13, 2008, 3:55 PM

Palin Accidentally Reprimands Her Own Supporters

Posted by Scott Conroy| Comments66

From CBS News' Scott Conroy:

(RICHMOND, VA.) - Protesters at Sarah Palin’s rallies can always expect to be shot down with some choice words from the candidate. But at a rally here today, the confused Alaska governor mistakenly issued a stern rebuke to her own supporters.

The outdoor crowd was so massive that many were unable to hear Palin speak, so about midway through the Alaska governor’s remarks, some of them tried to take matters into their own hands, shouting in unison, “We can’t hear you!”

When that didn’t get the candidate’s attention, they tried a new tactic.

“Louder!” they shouted.

Palin appeared flustered as she stopped reading from the prepared remarks, which were coming across her teleprompter.

“I would hope at least that those protesters have the courage and the honor of thanking our veterans for giving them the right to protest!” she admonished the confused crowd.

Palin’s husband Todd tried to put an end to the awkward episode by approaching his wife on stage and telling her, “They just can’t hear you back there. That’s it.”

Palin responded, “OK. I’m doing that,” and then continued with her stump speech.

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