Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Dude Todd & McSunshine: Say What?

Lulu and Phoebe snooze while dreaming of America's core values.....

Today First Dude, Todd, had an enormous responsibility to uphold for the McCracker/McPalin ticket. It was his turn to incite the troops, otherwise known as the rally ghosts. Apparently they allowed him three minutes, which we hear is the extent of his marginal abilities for public speaking without breaking into pieces from the stress of it all.

But today he spoke. Aloud. And said that this campaign (McCracker's) was about getting back to America's core values! "Hunting and fishing". Yes, indeed, these were the words First Dude said. Apparently we all had forgotten those true core values.

However, those of us living in core-value-less urban areas should be reminded that hunting and fishing can be had here too. Just recall what the day after Christmas looks like at Macy's. And Target. We can call that hunting and fishing if you like.

And the other day, McBarracuda was saying to her ghost rally crowd of fifteen, in a small town that she was so happy to among those who were pro-America. Versus those not pro-America, which would be the remainder of the country.

Hey! We hunt and fish too. Even if the prey might be a spectacular Manolo at Neiman's annual shoe sale, or an Armani at Nordstrom's semi annual men's sale. And don't even get me started on the skills it takes, those core value skills, hunting and fishing, to score the best and freshest cupcake from Magnolia Bakery!

Lulu told me that she hunts daily. For the non-pretend credit card that will actually score her some Christain Louboutin's. And Phoebe's reply when asked about hunting is that she prefers to fish. She enjoys fishing the crumbs out of the sofa because they are quite tasty, even days later. Who needs fresh fishing.....

So there you go First Dude Idiot. We all subscribe to those core American values that you speak of (in your 3 minutes of fame). And to you McPalin - yes, indeed, those of us not in small towns are totally not pro-American.

That is why we are voting for That One......and not you.

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