Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Postcard to Dear Sarah McPain: The Fairest Judge of, well, Herself.....

Fashion Week in Paris......Planning the Pageant!

Dear Governor McPalin,

Lulu and I find ourselves in a dilemma and thought you could help. We were having a discussion about our upcoming canine beauty pageant while we were attending fashion week in Paris, and felt that it would only be fair if we judged ourselves, but according to the rules we read online, we must have an independent arbitrary person judging the contest who is not involved, or has a stake in the outcome.

Not fair! We really want to judge ourselves and we couldn't find one instance where anyone said that would be a splendid idea. Until you!

We read that you decided to investigate yourself with this tripper-gate-latch thingy and you decided after careful deliberation that you were innocent! Kudos. On Yom Kippur, no less! We bet that was mighty hard to do, and we bet you agonized over it for a whole hour or so. Phew. That must have made you sweat!

So we were wondering? Could you write us back and tell us all about the process, cause we would really love to use it for our canine beauty pageant? We think it would be very cool to judge ourselves and see who comes out on top! (personally I am betting Lulu will win cause she can walk in stilettos just like you) I however, look fetching in lipstick!

An hour is a long time, so we were going to ask you if you had to take a break to go potty, or maybe get a treat? And when you were done - did you have to actually write down what you were thinking, or could you just tell someone?

If we have to write, we are screwed cause we don't have access to opposable thumbs. I am pecking this note with my nose as we speak. And believe me, if it weren't for the spell checker, this might not even be readable given the size of my nose!

We know you are a super duper busy hockey mom, and with this running for vice president of the PTA and all, we hope that you will take a minute to call, or write. Cause, well, we girls must support each other or we will go to h.e. double bully sticks! I know that now cause you said so just this last week, reading from your Starbucks cup!

Au Revoir and Merci!

Lulu and Phoebe

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