Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Glass House: Brought to you by the Letter "g" which is now homeless.......

Lulu and Phoebe asked me today what a glass house is and why anyone would want to toss stones at it? Ah, the ears of a dog. About as good as the nose of dog. They can smell crap from deep down under and hear the sound of the crap fallin' from that place deep down under too.

So when McPitbull with the lipstick started lobbin' turds from afar the other day, Lulu and Phoebe caught the scent and followed it in curiosity.

First, they wondered why McPalin was bringin' up pallin' around and then they wanted to know why she said Afghanistan was a neighborin' country. Since we had studied the globe a week ago, they know full well that there was an ocean and a few bits of land mass between the US and Afghanistan. They were discouraged to know that McPitbull didn't know that. And then they were equally confused about the comment that Obama pals around with Bill Ayers. That would be Bill Ayers, or Professor Bill Ayers who was once a part of the 60's weatherman group. Um, if we did the math correctly, Obama was a smidgen younger than me and he would have been in 3rd grade. Yep, pallin' around for sure.....

So while she is travelin' the country and talkin' to crowds of mostly ignorant folk who seem to have been sleepin' these past eight years, and incitin' the most blatant of racial hatred we have seen in some time by using her scare tactics on these poor schleps (hello, hitler anyone?) by screaming that Barack Hussein Obama is un-Amercian, or pals around with terrorists, she seems to be doin' nothin' but makin' her own party seem pitiful. And by the way, dear McPalin. The lipstick is too thick again! Did you forget First Dude's affiliation with the fine old Alaska Independence Party, the one that you sent that fine old "good luck to ya and god bless" recorded message to just a year ago? You remember that party, the AIP? The one that hates all things American.

A rumor also abounds that she applauds Tina Fey on her 15 minutes of fame. Hello? Tina Fey has at least 30 minutes of fame every week during the TV season with her own show, and is known to millions from her stellar SNL life.

Palin. Meet Emmy. Emmy. Slap Palin upside the head! And the meat of the rumor is that Palin wishes to go on SNL and play Tina Fey! Say it ain't so?! Nooooooo. Lorne Michaels has some integrity, please!

Next up Palin blames Couric for screwing her in the interviews, and thus all other interviews are quashed barring Sean Hannity on Fox who seems to pant after McPalin like a rabbit in heat.

After we took the time yesterday to read Rolling Stone's McCracker article, we needed to sleep with the lights on. How in this world did we get here? To a place where our choice, if one is Republican, is a man who has the values of a spoiled rich boy who thinks he deserves everything he wishes for without the grit and work required to achieve it? And if you think we are crazy, how about taking the time to read this.


So Lulu and Phoebe and want you to go pop the popcorn, put some in a sack and mail it to them post haste. Buttered. Lightly salted.

They also wish you to watch the debate with the sound off. It is certainly more entertainin' that way. And if you are at all skilled like they are at smellin' stuff and hearin' stuff from deep down under, then it will be easy to hear the crap fallin' before you have to actually smell it. Nose plugs anyone?

You betcha!

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