And Phoebe and Lulu can see your underpants! Seriously. They can. At 12 and 14 inches high, that isn't very difficult to do if you wear a skirt. Hummm. Maybe a tighty pencil skirt with stilettos? And if I close my eyes and drift, and translate the time difference, I can see Parisians eating croissants and drinking cafe express. Damn them. I digress.
I don't think that any of us will forget the infamous "I can see Russia from Alaska" line. And Palin stands by her words says this article in Salon:
....."Palin's foreign policy experience came up when she gave her first major interview, on Sept. 11 to ABC News. Asked what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, she said: "They're our next-door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska......
When Couric asked how Alaska's closeness to Russia enhanced her foreign policy experience, Palin said, "Well, it certainly does because our ... our next-door neighbors are foreign countries." Alaska shares a border with Canada....."
Lulu and Phoebe were wondering about that geographic fact, so I showed them Alaska on the globe, then Russia. And we even narrowed the map to Wasilla, and sure enough, if you are standing on the globe and at 4 inches high, you can indeed spot Russia. However, we are talking about a Rand McNally globe that is about 15 inches in diameter. Size that up to our real globe that we call home, or planet Earth, and Palin would have to be 8752.12 feet tall to see Russia from her home. And only if she was wearing special glasses. Which apparently she does. With lipstick.
Too bad those specs don't come with a brain-chip enhancement that allows one to speak ad-lib just a little bit better than George W. If you have been a slave to the wires and press in the world called Palin and McCrackberry, then you know what we are talking about. But just in case you are well adjusted, and secure, and live in a smurf village, click the link above.
Lulu and Phoebe want to send Barracud-ass a globe for the holidays, but they haven't been able to find one that offers pronunciations as well as spelling. She quite clearly went to the same school as George W. You know that place. It's where nuclear, is actually NUCULRRRRR. So if you know of any speaking globes that pronounce things slooooowly, please let us know.
Today, Lulu and Phoebe have only one thing on their minds. They want to know if the Clay Aiken fans from this website are the same people who think Palin is a natural for this mighty position because she is a hockey mom/mayor/governor/barracud-ass gun toting mama? If that might be true then apparently they all live in a smurf village. And just for fun, here you go:
"One really sad thing for me that sums this up. This morning at the breakfast table my 9 and 10 year olds were there and the radio was on and they came on with the headline "FOrmer American Idol..." and I knew what was coming and I ran to turn it off. I didn't want my young children to hear that and ask questions about it. To me this is the saddest thing and the reason I won't be able to hold him as my idol. I remember the day when I ran to turn it on and called all the family to watch with pride. It just seems so in your face now and I don't want exposing my kids to this. "
"I just feel rather silly now having spent the last 5 years drooling over and being fan girly for a singer I thought was straight and now finding out he is gay. It does change my perception of who he is and how I see him. We always called him our boyfriend and that won't be happening anymore."
Lulu and Phoebe want to me to locate and drive through Smurf village someday because they hear the kool-aid is mighty good. It seems to be more popular than Evian. I think not.
Kudos to Clay. And seriously. Who didn't know???? And Palin? Buy a freaking Rosetta Stone English language version and get busy! Please. And send us your address so Santa can bring you a talking globe......
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