Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10, 2008 : FOX News: Oprah Boycott Launched

Hehehehehe. Even Boston Terriers can giggle! We really enjoyed this article. FOX news is one of the places we love to go read early in the day to see if the world is still standing, from the viewpoint of a pin-headed hall monitor!

We loved this article. A group of Republican women (not women dogs mind you!) are calling for a boycott of all things Oprah because it was speculated (Phoebe learns big words everyday from Lulu who just finished her second reading of War and Peace) that Ms. Winfrey was against having Tina Fey, oh oh, we mean Sarah Palin on her show and that is just wrong! Who wouldn't want an articulate former beauty queen sportscaster, banner of all things DH Lawrence (ok, that is a myth, but we liked the sound of it) who can read a teleprompter with such finesse to not be on the Oprah show? After all, if she have Tom Cruise on the show, why not Tina Fey!

Pheebs: Well I just think that is terrible. Something awful. That must hurt her feelings! After all, who wouldn't want to see Sarah Palin on the Oprah show. She could sing her new hit song, maybe dish a bit about what it was like to be a former beauty queen and the big one - she could tell us all how to find eyeglasses just like hers! I know I would like a pair of those!

Lulu: Pheebs! She doesn't sing! Doesn't have a hit song! Oy. Don't you read anything all the way through? Sheesh. Palin is one of the more important women in the world right now. Way more important than even Condie Rice, or Margaret Thatcher. Or Madeleine Albright, or Madame Curie, or even Britney Spears! She's bigger than American Idol! Oprah should have her on the show right away because that would be the American thing to do. I am deeply disappointed in Oprah right now. How could she snub this fine fine woman who is destined to be President. Doesn't she want an invitation to the White House for Christmas?! And American women want to get to know her better and what better way than for her to read the teleprompter on the Oprah show?

Pheebs: Lulu - you have some good points for a misinformed dog! I heard that Tina has some of the best songs out there and she can belt them out with the best, like Britney or that other girl Jessica Simpson! Hey, is Jessica Simpson, Homer Simpson's other daughter? Ok ok. Back to Tina Fey. I say that it would be totally up to Oprah to decide cause it is her show after all. I don't think the government owns it yet, right?! And honestly, all Tina, I mean, Ms. Palin would have to do, is enter the YouTube Oprah contest that was just announced. It is for talented kids. I heard Tina has got lots of those! Kids, I mean, She could win a spot on the Oprah show if one or more of her kids has special talents. Anyway, don't worry so much about her being snubbed. So was that girl whose name I can't remember, but she had a vagina too. It happens.

Conclusion: Lulu says shame on you Oprah! We need to see Sarah Palin on your show post haste in order for there to be total fairness in politics and we all know that fairness is the bottom line in all things political! I know because I heard someone say that once on FOX!

And Pheebs says, use YouTube Tina Fey. Everyone else does! Even us! And Oprah can do what she wants! You aren't the boss of her, Tina.


diane hawkey said...

This is hilarious i almost peed my pants.
Best political commentary of the season!

Lisa Stander-Horel said...

Lulu and Phoebe thank you!

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that my daughter has a toy just like L&Ps? :)

The Boys said...

this is Great!