Lulu told me that the sound of Obama's voice makes her want to relax and the sound of McCrackberry's voice makes her want to find the Bose noise canceling headsets. It seems she concurs with the pundits who think that McCrackberry came across as snippy, sneary and mean and a wee bit confused on the date since he kept referring Ronnie Ray-gun's administration which we all know was 324 years ago. And wasn't he President of Mars anyway? And Lulu wondered, since she studied the etiquette and rules of debate by Emily Post, how come McCracker wouldn't look at Obama or the camera (referring to us, the audience)? She asked me if there might be a teleprompter or a hidden iphone on his lectern since he rarely looked up and seemed to be constantly chattering - to himself. She was taken by the graceful, confident and calm manner that Sen. Obama seemed to have, looking at his opponent, calling him by name, giving him credit when due, and politely deferring to the moderator when called for. Lulu called him a mensch. With very large ears.
Phoebe, on the other hand, as we all know is very sensitive to any criticism or harsh words and had to leave the room, or put her paws over her eyes several times when McCracker sneered or whined with that edge in his voice that reminds her of a certain little guy who we presently call Mr. President. She used the Bose noise canceling head sets quite a lot that evening and had to have a long session afterward listening to Yo Yo Ma. Cello sonatas calm her little sensibilities.
Phoebe had an insight and for that we are celebrating because Phoebe insights do not happen all that often. The last insight she had was, um, never. Good for her. She actually agreed with an extra-large sized Santa looking character who was a "conservative" pundit on CNN. Now that gave us pause. But her logic was fitting for a dog who rarely snorts out insightful tidbits. It seems the Santa-like pundit says that Obama acted as though it would be his policy to work diplomatically to "get along with everyone through talking" (saying it as though "talking" was a stupid thing) but McCrackberry would be more like a "sheriff", shooting up anyone who wasn't with us (where have we heard that before?).
So her conclusion was simple: do we want a President who first uses diplomacy as a means to get along in the world, or do we want a sheriff who seems to be an awful lot like someone we've seen before. Who was it? Ah yes. Woody, the animated character from Toy Story. "Reach for the sky!" as he whips out his fake sidearm. Mon dieu.
Resting for nearly 16 hours after the debate which totally wore them out, Lulu and Phoebe insisted on having a burger for lunch in Palo Alto. We sat down next to a couple, a woman who was 134 and a man in his 80's. Cute that she was dating a younger man, huh?
The menu requires a little bit of work cause you have to think about what kind of burger to order and both Lulu and Phoebe were lobbying for cheese on theirs. Occupied, I failed to notice that the woman was wearing not only a cap that said something about winning in Iraq, odd enough by itself, but a tee shirt that said something astounding. Wait for it. "Palinista". I'm hesitant to let you click the link and give them the traffic, but heck, it's worth it.

Yes. Indeed. It sported a large picture of palin-wonder-woman and the bottom said Palin for Vice President. Like the office of Veep had its very own election. Oh were it so! I tell you, I was so stunned I could not complete my order and had to try three times before I got it right. I was mesmerized having never seen a real live Smurf Village resident! What are they doing visiting California?
Then the conversation began. Or should I say the snippets of sound. First up: "blah blah blah how wonderful they chose to live is Wazeeeeeeeeeela in their own house instead of the Governor's mansion. So down to earth. "
Curiously, Alaska does have a Governor's mansion, a cross between Martha Stewart's house and Gone with the Wind's Tara.
Next up: "blah blah blah debate. That Obama man was just lying you could tell he was lying just lying. Blah blah blah his body language that is how you tell he lies body language."
Seriously. Even Lulu and Phoebe were uncharacteristically quiet at these utterances. Fortunately her boyfriend just let her ramble on with no comment, which makes me think that their dating days are numbered! Hello! Politics on the first date is a big no no!!
Thankfully they left right after our food arrived or otherwise I might not have had the pleasure of eating my child sized burger topped with olives, carrots and salad covered with pickles and american cheese. Told you I was really distracted when I ordered it! Didn't matter though. Lulu and Phoebe enjoy all those ingredients and they don't care if pickles touch the salad.
Lulu and Phoebe's conclusion? 1. Don't eat where the Smurfs might visit. 2. Watch the debate only after consuming tons of coffee to avoid somnolence. And. 3. Do not forget to check and make sure your voter registration is active!!!!
And last, but most important: order cheddar cheese on the burger please, and hold the pickles and shaved carrots.
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