Let's see. Under the mattress? In the dog bowl? Wait. Lulu has the answer! She says into the gas tank thingy and Phoebe pipes in and says into treats. Always with the treats, that girl!
But seriously, Lulu and Phoebe are pretty much as broke as they were the other day, but they do have a few things to say about the silly market.
First, they read that McCain, as Prez-eee-dent wishes to fire the SEC chair. Hahahahaha. Get in line and get a law. You can't, you moron of the day. Next, he'll want to be firing the CEO of crackberry for forgetting to name the contraption after him....McCrackberry. There you go.
Next, they heard a wonderful NPR broadcast, a Carly Fiorina interview. If Bostons could choke on saliva snorting out loud these two would be two drowned rats. At best they got the windows soaked with spit, and at worst, they leaked pee in their car seats. Yes, we were tooling down the road on $465.13 worth of gas to go five miles to fetch the Dad when they heard this interview. CF was asked by the NPR interviewer: Could Palin run a corporation? CF: No. Silence. CF: Neither could McCrackberry, nor Obama, nor Biden. CF said something like this: It is a fallacy to think that running a country is the same as running a corporation.
Really Carly? Are you sure? Cause even George W. has a bizillion trillion $ budget and HP only had a few billion and change-ish. And you got your tush tossed from HP, so perhaps you only speculate at what you don't know? Ah, but you are working with the McCrackberry campaign...so you must be, what? Running a country?
When the NPR reporter ended the interview, she noted that HP's budget under CF was about 80 billion. And George W.'s budget is multi-trillion. Hummm. And that is when those two clowns totally lost it. I had to wash the car, and the car seats. No more afternoon NPR for them!
No wonder we all own a bunch of new investment banking and insurance companies now.
Lulu and Phoebe close this broadcast (really, way too much NPR for them!) with a reminder to remember how much fun the last 8 years have been. They encourage you to read this great article in Salon. If they can read it, so can you! Although, Lulu was seriously disappointed to realize that Salon was a magazine rather than a shoe salon.......
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