FF to 6:58 to reach the SP part - it is a bit long but Mudflat has the great moments timed which you can see here: http://community.adn.com/adn/node/131844
So aside from the scary notion that Palin would need to be blessed to keep away witches before her gubernatorial run, it seems that she wore.....wait for it.............baggy trousers!
Yes! Yes!
It is worth it to watch the video if for nothing else. And wait! No stilettos either, or at least none that we can see. So the tighty pencil skirt and stilettos and the librarian porn hair are the fantasy of the campaign gurus. Genius! And almost funny. But not.
Lulu and Phoebe ran for the hills, scared of the "voice" coming from the computer, especially when the Pastor Muthee from Kenya began yodeling for Jesus and the witches all in the same sentence. One has to wonder about what witchcraft he speaks of that one could find in Alaska? Some one's been watching a little too much Wizard of Oz we think.
Maybe clicking her heels, she could find herself in, um, Pakistan? We hear the President would just love to give you a hug, Gov. McPalin. And here's the photo! Can anyone send her a ticket? Don't worry. She is used to flying coach since she "sold" the Governor's plane on ebay.....
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