Moments ago, Lulu and Phoebe received this report from Stell-a, Boston Terrier extraordinaire, who is their East Coast Correspondent. Stell-a, if you have not heard, comes from the Helen Thomas school of Journalism - frank, witty, and like a dog with a bone gets her story no matter what!
While Lulu and Phoebe anxiously await news of a bailout plan for Walmart, oops, Wall St., they have begun to script their analysis of last night's debate. First up, though is their 16 hour nap. They told us that the rhetoric was exhausting, but they would be up to the task in a matter of hours. That is, if they weren't called away by some other emergency. When asked what kind of emergency, they stated that running low on dog biscuits is an example, but it would be more likely to be that they ran out of coffee.
Peets anyone?
So here it is: Lulu and Phoebe's Election blog is the first to post this interview, an exclusive from Stell-a, East Coast Correspondent.
Deeer Loolooo and Peepee,
Hullo. Stell-a heer. New Why House Reportah.Howwah u? Ahm fine, tanks for assking. Butt economee is in deep shitpaw.
Stell-a had xclusif intervu wid Barney, key Why House advisur.
Stella: Hullo Sexxy.
Barney: Woof!
Stella: Is tru dat u r chef arkitect for Seven Billyon Bizkit Reskew Plan?
Barney: Woof! Woof!
Stella: Ok. No kneed to showt. Is tru dat perpose of Plan is to perchase sub-prime beefe that bankz cross countree have in there fridje?
Barney: Woof.
Stella: Pretty shitpaw plan, no?
Barney: Woof!!
Stella: Barney, u maybe sexxee but u sur r stoopid!
Barney: Woof! Woof!
Stella: Stoopid like a cock-a-poo. Woof?
Barney: Woof!
Stella: Ok...... Do u tink Henree Paulson sexxee?
Barney: Definitely.
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LOVE L&P & their savy insight
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