Always perky when I read them the Page Six gossip, Lulu and Phoebe were rapt, but puzzled. Phoebe asked, Sarah who? The Dutchess of York? Lulu wasn't quite sure how to reply because she was confused by the word stylist and Sarah (Palin) in the same sentence. It seems the two obviously couture-sensitive Boston Terriers smell something funny!
From today's Page Six:
"HOCKEY mom Sarah Palin not only wore lipstick to the Republican National Convention, the vice-presidential candidate wore a shantung silk Valentino jacket worth $2,500.
Insiders tell Page Six Palin has a secretive circle of stylists who dress her for events. For her big speech in St. Paul, where she accepted the GOP's vice-presidential nod, this fashion-conscious team encouraged the Alaska governor to splurge on a $2,500 jacket from Saks Fifth Avenue designed by Valentino Garavani.
Palin, shunning the pantsuits favored by Hillary Clinton, wore the top during her first big speech, where she told McCain's delegates: "I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids' public education better."
But she's springing for designer labels. One source familiar with Palin's primping posse told us, "They do not want the American public to know that Palin is using stylists or that she is paying for expensive clothes this early on in the campaign."
We spoke to someone on Palin's styling team, who told us, "I did a little bit of personal styling, but I can't discuss anything I've done with Sarah Palin. I'm not sure which designs she wore . . . anything related to working with her is confidential."
Presidential nominee John McCain's wife, Cindy, recently took some heat after Vanity Fair itemized the cost of her wardrobe during her RNC speech with Laura Bush to a whopping $300,000 worth of designer wear and diamonds.
A representative for Valentino confirmed Palin wore one of his designs during her convention speech, but said she did not buy it from a Valentino store. Palin's reps had no comment."
If you haven't heard a Boston Terrier laugh, just picture two little piggies snorting aloud and tossing a good deal of saliva with it. And there you have it! A good laugh.
It's the war of the tighty pencil skirt and stilettos v. the pantsuit. The sisters have something to say about this. SNOOZE!!! Did you think that Palin didn't have a stylist? Did you think she went to Kmart and purchased her big television debut outfit? Puuuhhhhleeeeze! Lulu was appalled at the Jacket and thought it looked rather St. John! Phoebe was concentrating on the stilettos. In fact, Phoebe then told me she has run into several hockey moms who wore stilettos! In France. On the street corner mostly after dark. On Rue Joubert actually. I asked her how she knew they were hockey moms? After all, it was France. Pheobe, with total conviction, said: They were wearing lipstick!
So I asked her if she ever ran into a "hockey mom" wearing a pantsuit? Uh uh. She thought for a moment. Not in France. And not on the street corner. But she does recall seeing lots of pant-suited women running around the nation's capital. Perhaps that is what the McCain/Palin campaign mean by Real Change! No more pantsuits allowed in the nation's capitol! Only tighty pencil skirts with real stilettos like all hockey moms wear.
Oh, and lipstick.
You will have to pardon Lulu today. She is off her game. Once she realized that we were talking about hockey moms and not real couture, and in particular, St. John, her eyes glazed and she fell asleep listening to Bach.
The conclusion for today's blog comes from Phoebe. She suggests that perhaps there is something lurking beneath the tighty pencil skirt that wouldn't want to be photographed in pants. Perhaps it is a slouching, overachieving deceptive barracud-ass.
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