Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 30, 2008: McCracker! You Forgot Someone!

Seriously. This we could not make up if we tried six ways to Saturday. Instead of the link, here is the whole article because it has to be a joke, but since there was no punch line, we think that McCain has perhaps left his brain back with Ronald Reagan and we all know where he is these days.....

The conclusion: He has totally lost his freaking mind. Yes, the Palin has ambition, and yes she is a Governor, but even Ronald Reagan could speak in complete sentences. And if we are not mistaken, both Bill and Ronnie could correctly pronounce the word, nuclear.

It seems rather fitting that McCain left out one other infamous Governor of note: George W. Bush. Seems she and George share a fair number of similarities but perhaps McCain's memory works better long term because he fails to readily recall his last best friend these days. And who else but these two twins, Palin/Bush, long separated at birth could famously screw this up....say it all together now: nucuuuuuuulurrrrr.

And um, Sen. McCracker? Who exactly is running for Prez in your party? Palin or you?

Posted: 10:55 AM ET

McCain said Monday <span class=Palin is being underestimated, just as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton were." McCain said Monday Palin is being underestimated, just as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton were.

(CNN) – Sarah Palin may just be the next Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton — two previous governors underestimated by the national media who went on to win the White House, John McCain said Monday.

Appearing alongside Palin in an interview on CBS, McCain reiterated his confidence in the Alaska governor, even as several conservatives suggested she is unqualified for the No. 2 spot on a national ticket.

"This is not the first time that I've seen a governor being questioned by some quote, 'expert,' " McCain told CBS' Katie Couric as Palin looked on. "I remember that Ronald Reagan was a 'cowboy.' President Clinton was a governor of a very small state that had 'no experience' either. I remember how easy it was going to be for Bush I to defeat him.

"But the point is I've seen underestimation before," McCain added. "I'm very proud of the excitement that Gov. Palin has ignited with our party and around this country. It is a level of excitement and enthusiasm, frankly, that I haven't seen before. And I'd like to attribute it to me. But the fact is that she has done incredible job. And I'm so proud of the work that she's doing."

The comments come after Palin's widely panned interview with Couric last week during which the Republican VP candidate struggled through several answers on her foreign policy credentials and the proposed economic bailout. The comments instantly became fodder for late-night comedians and prompted criticism from several conservative corners that Palin appeared to be in over her head. But a counter-chorus has also emerged, as supporters have publicly urged the campaign not to keep Palin so isolated from the media and to allow her unfiltered audience interaction.

“Holding Sarah Palin to just three interviews and microscopically focusing on each interview I think has been a mistake,” former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney told MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" on Monday. “I think they'd be a lot wiser to let Sarah Palin be Sarah Palin. Let her talk to the media, let her talk to people."

But also in the interview with Couric on Monday, McCain decried "gotcha" journalism as he sought to downplay Palin's recent comments that suggested she would support crossing into Pakistan from the Afghanistan to root out terrorists.

"I understand this day and age of "gotcha" journalism, was that a pizza place?" McCain said regarding where Palin made the comments. "In a conversation with someone who you didn't hear … the question very well, you don't know the context of the conversation, grab a phrase. Gov. Palin and I agree that you don't announce that you're going to attack another country."

The comments came during Palin's visit to a cheesesteak restaurant in Philadelphia on Saturday night, when a voter asked if she supported a cross-border attack on Pakistan

"If that's what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should," Palin responded, in comments that contradict McCain's long-standing position of consulting with Pakistan before carrying out attacks on terrorists within its borders."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 29, 2008: The Debate - And Listening in to a Smurf Conversation

Lulu told me that the sound of Obama's voice makes her want to relax and the sound of McCrackberry's voice makes her want to find the Bose noise canceling headsets. It seems she concurs with the pundits who think that McCrackberry came across as snippy, sneary and mean and a wee bit confused on the date since he kept referring Ronnie Ray-gun's administration which we all know was 324 years ago. And wasn't he President of Mars anyway? And Lulu wondered, since she studied the etiquette and rules of debate by Emily Post, how come McCracker wouldn't look at Obama or the camera (referring to us, the audience)? She asked me if there might be a teleprompter or a hidden iphone on his lectern since he rarely looked up and seemed to be constantly chattering - to himself. She was taken by the graceful, confident and calm manner that Sen. Obama seemed to have, looking at his opponent, calling him by name, giving him credit when due, and politely deferring to the moderator when called for. Lulu called him a mensch. With very large ears.

Phoebe, on the other hand, as we all know is very sensitive to any criticism or harsh words and had to leave the room, or put her paws over her eyes several times when McCracker sneered or whined with that edge in his voice that reminds her of a certain little guy who we presently call Mr. President. She used the Bose noise canceling head sets quite a lot that evening and had to have a long session afterward listening to Yo Yo Ma. Cello sonatas calm her little sensibilities.

Phoebe had an insight and for that we are celebrating because Phoebe insights do not happen all that often. The last insight she had was, um, never. Good for her. She actually agreed with an extra-large sized Santa looking character who was a "conservative" pundit on CNN. Now that gave us pause. But her logic was fitting for a dog who rarely snorts out insightful tidbits. It seems the Santa-like pundit says that Obama acted as though it would be his policy to work diplomatically to "get along with everyone through talking" (saying it as though "talking" was a stupid thing) but McCrackberry would be more like a "sheriff", shooting up anyone who wasn't with us (where have we heard that before?).

So her conclusion was simple: do we want a President who first uses diplomacy as a means to get along in the world, or do we want a sheriff who seems to be an awful lot like someone we've seen before. Who was it? Ah yes. Woody, the animated character from Toy Story. "Reach for the sky!" as he whips out his fake sidearm. Mon dieu.

Resting for nearly 16 hours after the debate which totally wore them out, Lulu and Phoebe insisted on having a burger for lunch in Palo Alto. We sat down next to a couple, a woman who was 134 and a man in his 80's. Cute that she was dating a younger man, huh?

The menu requires a little bit of work cause you have to think about what kind of burger to order and both Lulu and Phoebe were lobbying for cheese on theirs. Occupied, I failed to notice that the woman was wearing not only a cap that said something about winning in Iraq, odd enough by itself, but a tee shirt that said something astounding. Wait for it. "Palinista". I'm hesitant to let you click the link and give them the traffic, but heck, it's worth it.


Yes. Indeed. It sported a large picture of palin-wonder-woman and the bottom said Palin for Vice President. Like the office of Veep had its very own election. Oh were it so! I tell you, I was so stunned I could not complete my order and had to try three times before I got it right. I was mesmerized having never seen a real live Smurf Village resident! What are they doing visiting California?

Then the conversation began. Or should I say the snippets of sound. First up: "blah blah blah how wonderful they chose to live is Wazeeeeeeeeeela in their own house instead of the Governor's mansion. So down to earth. "

Curiously, Alaska does have a Governor's mansion, a cross between Martha Stewart's house and Gone with the Wind's Tara.

Next up: "blah blah blah debate. That Obama man was just lying you could tell he was lying just lying. Blah blah blah his body language that is how you tell he lies body language."
Seriously. Even Lulu and Phoebe were uncharacteristically quiet at these utterances. Fortunately her boyfriend just let her ramble on with no comment, which makes me think that their dating days are numbered! Hello! Politics on the first date is a big no no!!

Thankfully they left right after our food arrived or otherwise I might not have had the pleasure of eating my child sized burger topped with olives, carrots and salad covered with pickles and american cheese. Told you I was really distracted when I ordered it! Didn't matter though. Lulu and Phoebe enjoy all those ingredients and they don't care if pickles touch the salad.

Lulu and Phoebe's conclusion? 1. Don't eat where the Smurfs might visit. 2. Watch the debate only after consuming tons of coffee to avoid somnolence. And. 3. Do not forget to check and make sure your voter registration is active!!!!

And last, but most important: order cheddar cheese on the burger please, and hold the pickles and shaved carrots.

September 28, 2008: Trousers Alert! "McPalin Saved From Witchcraft" Scary!


FF to 6:58 to reach the SP part - it is a bit long but Mudflat has the great moments timed which you can see here: http://community.adn.com/adn/node/131844

So aside from the scary notion that Palin would need to be blessed to keep away witches before her gubernatorial run, it seems that she wore.....wait for it.............baggy trousers!

Yes! Yes!

It is worth it to watch the video if for nothing else. And wait! No stilettos either, or at least none that we can see. So the tighty pencil skirt and stilettos and the librarian porn hair are the fantasy of the campaign gurus. Genius! And almost funny. But not.

Lulu and Phoebe ran for the hills, scared of the "voice" coming from the computer, especially when the Pastor Muthee from Kenya began yodeling for Jesus and the witches all in the same sentence. One has to wonder about what witchcraft he speaks of that one could find in Alaska? Some one's been watching a little too much Wizard of Oz we think.

Maybe clicking her heels, she could find herself in, um, Pakistan? We hear the President would just love to give you a hug, Gov. McPalin. And here's the photo! Can anyone send her a ticket? Don't worry. She is used to flying coach since she "sold" the Governor's plane on ebay.....


Saturday, September 27, 2008

September 27, 2008: Exclusive Report from Stell-a to Lulu and Phoebe!

Moments ago, Lulu and Phoebe received this report from Stell-a, Boston Terrier extraordinaire, who is their East Coast Correspondent. Stell-a, if you have not heard, comes from the Helen Thomas school of Journalism - frank, witty, and like a dog with a bone gets her story no matter what!

While Lulu and Phoebe anxiously await news of a bailout plan for Walmart, oops, Wall St., they have begun to script their analysis of last night's debate. First up, though is their 16 hour nap. They told us that the rhetoric was exhausting, but they would be up to the task in a matter of hours. That is, if they weren't called away by some other emergency. When asked what kind of emergency, they stated that running low on dog biscuits is an example, but it would be more likely to be that they ran out of coffee.

Peets anyone?

So here it is: Lulu and Phoebe's Election blog is the first to post this interview, an exclusive from Stell-a, East Coast Correspondent.

Deeer Loolooo and Peepee,

Hullo. Stell-a heer. New Why House Reportah.

Howwah u? Ahm fine, tanks for assking. Butt economee is in deep shitpaw.

Stell-a had xclusif intervu wid Barney, key Why House advisur.

Stella: Hullo Sexxy.

Barney: Woof!

Stella: Is tru dat u r chef arkitect for Seven Billyon Bizkit Reskew Plan?

Barney: Woof! Woof!

Stella: Ok. No kneed to showt. Is tru dat perpose of Plan is to perchase sub-prime beefe that bankz cross countree have in there fridje?

Barney: Woof.

Stella: Pretty shitpaw plan, no?

Barney: Woof!!

Stella: Barney, u maybe sexxee but u sur r stoopid!

Barney: Woof! Woof!

Stella: Stoopid like a cock-a-poo. Woof?

Barney: Woof!

Stella: Ok...... Do u tink Henree Paulson sexxee?

Barney: Definitely.

Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26, 2008: Noon PST: McCrackberry Wins Debate! Really?

Mother goats with bluebell smurf whiskers! McCrackberry wins debate that has not happened yet! Or. Wait! The universe has a time rip and it is actually tomorrow already. Yessss, that's it. And the fault belongs to none other than the stars of our show, Lulu and Phoebe, which is why they have that "ohoh trouble" look on their cute little mugs. I told them not to toss that special little ball around - the one with the universe floating in the middle. Oops.

Chargrined, the duo do a bit of research and find that indeed, the McCrackberry campaign has placed an ad in today's Wall Street Journal:


And here is the link to Salon where we found this info:


After a good old snort fest, complete with saliva splattered monitor, the duo realize they haven't really upset the universe after all.

Their theory: our universe is still exactly where we last placed it. But unfortunately, McPains universe is suffering from a few cracks. Nothing a little smurf glue won't fix. Someone from Smurf Village please send them a tube, or a gallon. They might need more as time speeds by, um, at a slightly different rate. Speaking of, check the postage rate for sending a parcel to another universe first! It might be cheaper to send it to Russia first so they can toss it over to Palin's house. Who knows. It might land on her front step.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 25, 2008: She Can See Russia. I Can See France!

And Phoebe and Lulu can see your underpants! Seriously. They can. At 12 and 14 inches high, that isn't very difficult to do if you wear a skirt. Hummm. Maybe a tighty pencil skirt with stilettos? And if I close my eyes and drift, and translate the time difference, I can see Parisians eating croissants and drinking cafe express. Damn them. I digress.

I don't think that any of us will forget the infamous "I can see Russia from Alaska" line. And Palin stands by her words says this article in Salon:


....."Palin's foreign policy experience came up when she gave her first major interview, on Sept. 11 to ABC News. Asked what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, she said: "They're our next-door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska......

When Couric asked how Alaska's closeness to Russia enhanced her foreign policy experience, Palin said, "Well, it certainly does because our ... our next-door neighbors are foreign countries." Alaska shares a border with Canada.....

Lulu and Phoebe were wondering about that geographic fact, so I showed them Alaska on the globe, then Russia. And we even narrowed the map to Wasilla, and sure enough, if you are standing on the globe and at 4 inches high, you can indeed spot Russia. However, we are talking about a Rand McNally globe that is about 15 inches in diameter. Size that up to our real globe that we call home, or planet Earth, and Palin would have to be 8752.12 feet tall to see Russia from her home. And only if she was wearing special glasses. Which apparently she does. With lipstick.

Too bad those specs don't come with a brain-chip enhancement that allows one to speak ad-lib just a little bit better than George W. If you have been a slave to the wires and press in the world called Palin and McCrackberry, then you know what we are talking about. But just in case you are well adjusted, and secure, and live in a smurf village, click the link above.


Lulu and Phoebe want to send Barracud-ass a globe for the holidays, but they haven't been able to find one that offers pronunciations as well as spelling. She quite clearly went to the same school as George W. You know that place. It's where nuclear, is actually NUCULRRRRR. So if you know of any speaking globes that pronounce things slooooowly, please let us know.

Today, Lulu and Phoebe have only one thing on their minds. They want to know if the Clay Aiken fans from this website are the same people who think Palin is a natural for this mighty position because she is a hockey mom/mayor/governor/barracud-ass gun toting mama? If that might be true then apparently they all live in a smurf village. And just for fun, here you go:

"One really sad thing for me that sums this up. This morning at the breakfast table my 9 and 10 year olds were there and the radio was on and they came on with the headline "FOrmer American Idol..." and I knew what was coming and I ran to turn it off. I didn't want my young children to hear that and ask questions about it. To me this is the saddest thing and the reason I won't be able to hold him as my idol. I remember the day when I ran to turn it on and called all the family to watch with pride. It just seems so in your face now and I don't want exposing my kids to this. "

"I just feel rather silly now having spent the last 5 years drooling over and being fan girly for a singer I thought was straight and now finding out he is gay. It does change my perception of who he is and how I see him. We always called him our boyfriend and that won't be happening anymore."


Lulu and Phoebe want to me to locate and drive through Smurf village someday because they hear the kool-aid is mighty good. It seems to be more popular than Evian. I think not.

Kudos to Clay. And seriously. Who didn't know???? And Palin? Buy a freaking Rosetta Stone English language version and get busy! Please. And send us your address so Santa can bring you a talking globe......

September 23, 2008: Where Has All the Money Gone?

Let's see. Under the mattress? In the dog bowl? Wait. Lulu has the answer! She says into the gas tank thingy and Phoebe pipes in and says into treats. Always with the treats, that girl!

But seriously, Lulu and Phoebe are pretty much as broke as they were the other day, but they do have a few things to say about the silly market.

First, they read that McCain, as Prez-eee-dent wishes to fire the SEC chair. Hahahahaha. Get in line and get a law. You can't, you moron of the day. Next, he'll want to be firing the CEO of crackberry for forgetting to name the contraption after him....McCrackberry. There you go.

Next, they heard a wonderful NPR broadcast, a Carly Fiorina interview. If Bostons could choke on saliva snorting out loud these two would be two drowned rats. At best they got the windows soaked with spit, and at worst, they leaked pee in their car seats. Yes, we were tooling down the road on $465.13 worth of gas to go five miles to fetch the Dad when they heard this interview. CF was asked by the NPR interviewer: Could Palin run a corporation? CF: No. Silence. CF: Neither could McCrackberry, nor Obama, nor Biden. CF said something like this: It is a fallacy to think that running a country is the same as running a corporation.

Really Carly? Are you sure? Cause even George W. has a bizillion trillion $ budget and HP only had a few billion and change-ish. And you got your tush tossed from HP, so perhaps you only speculate at what you don't know? Ah, but you are working with the McCrackberry campaign...so you must be, what? Running a country?

When the NPR reporter ended the interview, she noted that HP's budget under CF was about 80 billion. And George W.'s budget is multi-trillion. Hummm. And that is when those two clowns totally lost it. I had to wash the car, and the car seats. No more afternoon NPR for them!

No wonder we all own a bunch of new investment banking and insurance companies now.

Lulu and Phoebe close this broadcast (really, way too much NPR for them!) with a reminder to remember how much fun the last 8 years have been. They encourage you to read this great article in Salon. If they can read it, so can you! Although, Lulu was seriously disappointed to realize that Salon was a magazine rather than a shoe salon.......


Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18, 2008: Oh. Oh. The Anchorage Daily News Called and Doesn't Want Her Back Either!!!

Lulu and Phoebe discuss the election (or perhaps who has the ball)

"Palin butts into McCain talk

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - Sarah Palin, cloistered since her surprise pick as the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate, symbolically butted in and answered her first question from a member of the public since joining the ticket.

The Alaska governor, appearing at a town hall with GOP presidential nominee John McCain Wednesday night, interrupted him, saying, "John, John, can I add something?"

McCain, smiling, replied, "Always."

Palin argued that McCain's support for sending thousands more U.S. troops to Iraq put the country on the cusp of victory and was freeing it to focus elsewhere in its battle against terrorists.

"We must win there so that we can win in Afghanistan also," Palin said. "He knows how to win a war."

Palin also rebuffed criticism that she doesn't have enough foreign policy experience to assume the presidency, if necessary.

"If you want specifics and specific policy or countries, go ahead, you can ask me. You can even play stump-the-candidate if you want," Palin challenged her questioner."

Lulu and Phoebe are fans of Shrek. Especially fond of the opening where the Eddie Murphy's character, Donkey jumps up and down, much like Palin, and yells out "PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME" makes them roll with snorty laughter followed by a firm woof woof. They make me (the one with opposable thumbs) snap the remote back to this same scene over and over until they start to pee with laughter, which is where I call it quits!

Reading them this article, they giggled, and snorted with extra saliva at the hilarity of Palin pretending to be the Donkey. And even then, after they finished wooting in laughter accented by farts rather than pee this time, they both suddenly took pause. Holy Balenciga, said Lulu. Woof said Phoebe. Palin wants to take over the Donkey role? Ah, the figure of speech that leads to all kinds of imagery........

Nooo, I tell them. She wishes to be a very conservatively gray elephant that stomps her way to Washington, where some elephants currently hold the title for biggest (and here we go again with the imagery) asses on the planet. But unlike Eddie Murphy's Donkey, Palin is not ready for prime time.

Lulu and Phoebe's conclusion? Read lots more of the very entertaining Anchorage Daily News. They might be the first to say she has flubbed the audition but good. And they are not sure they want her back. http://www.adn.com/

The remedy? Lulu and Phoebe remember with clarity the day that The View's Sherrie Shepherd said that the world was flat. Perhaps, if that is true (Sherrie, are you related to the equally geography challenged Sarah?) then maybe the two of you could go for a little bitty drive to this wonderful resort that is located just off the Bridge to Nowhere, located on the edge of the flat world. Sarah can tell you how to get there. She can see a bit of Russia from there, that Bridge to Nowhere.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17, 2008: NY Post Page Six Gossip: Secret Stylist for Sarah

Always perky when I read them the Page Six gossip, Lulu and Phoebe were rapt, but puzzled. Phoebe asked, Sarah who? The Dutchess of York? Lulu wasn't quite sure how to reply because she was confused by the word stylist and Sarah (Palin) in the same sentence. It seems the two obviously couture-sensitive Boston Terriers smell something funny!

From today's Page Six:

"HOCKEY mom Sarah Palin not only wore lipstick to the Republican National Convention, the vice-presidential candidate wore a shantung silk Valentino jacket worth $2,500.

Insiders tell Page Six Palin has a secretive circle of stylists who dress her for events. For her big speech in St. Paul, where she accepted the GOP's vice-presidential nod, this fashion-conscious team encouraged the Alaska governor to splurge on a $2,500 jacket from Saks Fifth Avenue designed by Valentino Garavani.

Palin, shunning the pantsuits favored by Hillary Clinton, wore the top during her first big speech, where she told McCain's delegates: "I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids' public education better."

But she's springing for designer labels. One source familiar with Palin's primping posse told us, "They do not want the American public to know that Palin is using stylists or that she is paying for expensive clothes this early on in the campaign."

We spoke to someone on Palin's styling team, who told us, "I did a little bit of personal styling, but I can't discuss anything I've done with Sarah Palin. I'm not sure which designs she wore . . . anything related to working with her is confidential."

Presidential nominee John McCain's wife, Cindy, recently took some heat after Vanity Fair itemized the cost of her wardrobe during her RNC speech with Laura Bush to a whopping $300,000 worth of designer wear and diamonds.

A representative for Valentino confirmed Palin wore one of his designs during her convention speech, but said she did not buy it from a Valentino store. Palin's reps had no comment."

If you haven't heard a Boston Terrier laugh, just picture two little piggies snorting aloud and tossing a good deal of saliva with it. And there you have it! A good laugh.

It's the war of the tighty pencil skirt and stilettos v. the pantsuit. The sisters have something to say about this. SNOOZE!!! Did you think that Palin didn't have a stylist? Did you think she went to Kmart and purchased her big television debut outfit? Puuuhhhhleeeeze! Lulu was appalled at the Jacket and thought it looked rather St. John! Phoebe was concentrating on the stilettos. In fact, Phoebe then told me she has run into several hockey moms who wore stilettos! In France. On the street corner mostly after dark. On Rue Joubert actually. I asked her how she knew they were hockey moms? After all, it was France. Pheobe, with total conviction, said: They were wearing lipstick!

So I asked her if she ever ran into a "hockey mom" wearing a pantsuit? Uh uh. She thought for a moment. Not in France. And not on the street corner. But she does recall seeing lots of pant-suited women running around the nation's capital. Perhaps that is what the McCain/Palin campaign mean by Real Change! No more pantsuits allowed in the nation's capitol! Only tighty pencil skirts with real stilettos like all hockey moms wear.

Oh, and lipstick.

You will have to pardon Lulu today. She is off her game. Once she realized that we were talking about hockey moms and not real couture, and in particular, St. John, her eyes glazed and she fell asleep listening to Bach.

The conclusion for today's blog comes from Phoebe. She suggests that perhaps there is something lurking beneath the tighty pencil skirt that wouldn't want to be photographed in pants. Perhaps it is a slouching, overachieving deceptive barracud-ass.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16, 2008: Tina Fey Sexist says Carly Fiorina and McCain to Wall St. Rescue with a 9/11-like Commission!

From TV Guide online:

McCain Advisor Calls Tina Fey 'Sexist' Viewers liked Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, and so did Sarah Palin. But another member of Team McCain says Fey's portrayal was sexist. "Well, I think she looked a bit like her," former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina said on MSNBC. "I think, of course, the portrait was very dismissive of the substance of Sarah Palin, and so in that sense, they were defining Hillary Clinton as very substantive, and Sarah Palin as totally superficial. "I think that continues the line of argument that is disrespectful in the extreme, and yes, I would say, sexist in the sense that just because Sarah Palin has different views than Hillary Clinton does not mean she lacks substance. She has a lot of substance." The 30 Rock creator may be weirded-out to be accused of sexism. As SNL's first female head writer, she's helped women move ahead in entertainment — just as Fiorina did for women in technology. Were you offended by Fey's portrayal? Watch it again below and tell us what you think. — Tim Molloy

Lulu and Phoebe merely farted at the suggestion that their beloved Tina Fey would be a sexist! Strangely enough both agree that Ms. Fiorina did something for women in technology, but it sure wasn't anything good! In fact, if anything, she might have taught them how to piss a company in to the toilet, flush it but good, and blame everyone and everything else for their own incompetence. Wait! Where have we heard that before?

Tina Fey did an excellent job defining the one dimensional character we call Palin. She nailed the nuances and the fervor right on. Kudos to her for demonstrating through that comedic skit what many of us have seen and known since the powers that be behind the McCain campaign tossed her into our living rooms. Lulu feels that this is personal. Tina Fey is one of her favorites. And Phoebe would like to extract both Karl Rove and Carly Fiorina out of the McCain campaign and have the McCain- man speak for himself.

Both of them have left the majority of typing up to me since their dog-gas is quite debilitating after reading the morning news. Or, as they would say, they were banned from the room for a bit just in case someone lights a match.

But before they left, Lulu and Phoebe left instructions for poor Wall Street. GROW A PAIR! Find some in a drawer vacated by the tumbling employees rolling out the doors with their resumes in hand on the way to landing a job at Starbucks. Oh wait. They closed a bunch of those stores too. Ok. How about if we unleash McCain with his plan he outlined in Good Morning America this morning that made both Lulu and Phoebe spit out their food. A 9/11 like commission???? Seriously? Wow. That would definitely help, in about 45 years - when it is documented in some textbook how miserably the 9/11 commission failed to do its job and the follow-up Wall St. 9/11 like commission also failed to do its job too. Yikes. Woof. Yeah, let us spend millions to study why Wall St. is falling apart. That'll help.

How about doing it the way Lulu and Phoebe suggest which is to begin again with some sense of ethical integrity, no George W. and friends anywhere on the block, and hire the brains of pooches like Lulu, Phoebe, Dr. Fruitface, G-man, and oh, ok. Alan Greenspan. Now that would be a committee.

Pht to Carly Fiorina and double Pht to McCain and his 9/11 like Wall St. Commission idea!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10, 2008 : FOX News: Oprah Boycott Launched


Hehehehehe. Even Boston Terriers can giggle! We really enjoyed this article. FOX news is one of the places we love to go read early in the day to see if the world is still standing, from the viewpoint of a pin-headed hall monitor!

We loved this article. A group of Republican women (not women dogs mind you!) are calling for a boycott of all things Oprah because it was speculated (Phoebe learns big words everyday from Lulu who just finished her second reading of War and Peace) that Ms. Winfrey was against having Tina Fey, oh oh, we mean Sarah Palin on her show and that is just wrong! Who wouldn't want an articulate former beauty queen sportscaster, banner of all things DH Lawrence (ok, that is a myth, but we liked the sound of it) who can read a teleprompter with such finesse to not be on the Oprah show? After all, if she have Tom Cruise on the show, why not Tina Fey!

Pheebs: Well I just think that is terrible. Something awful. That must hurt her feelings! After all, who wouldn't want to see Sarah Palin on the Oprah show. She could sing her new hit song, maybe dish a bit about what it was like to be a former beauty queen and the big one - she could tell us all how to find eyeglasses just like hers! I know I would like a pair of those!

Lulu: Pheebs! She doesn't sing! Doesn't have a hit song! Oy. Don't you read anything all the way through? Sheesh. Palin is one of the more important women in the world right now. Way more important than even Condie Rice, or Margaret Thatcher. Or Madeleine Albright, or Madame Curie, or even Britney Spears! She's bigger than American Idol! Oprah should have her on the show right away because that would be the American thing to do. I am deeply disappointed in Oprah right now. How could she snub this fine fine woman who is destined to be President. Doesn't she want an invitation to the White House for Christmas?! And American women want to get to know her better and what better way than for her to read the teleprompter on the Oprah show?

Pheebs: Lulu - you have some good points for a misinformed dog! I heard that Tina has some of the best songs out there and she can belt them out with the best, like Britney or that other girl Jessica Simpson! Hey, is Jessica Simpson, Homer Simpson's other daughter? Ok ok. Back to Tina Fey. I say that it would be totally up to Oprah to decide cause it is her show after all. I don't think the government owns it yet, right?! And honestly, all Tina, I mean, Ms. Palin would have to do, is enter the YouTube Oprah contest that was just announced. It is for talented kids. I heard Tina has got lots of those! Kids, I mean, She could win a spot on the Oprah show if one or more of her kids has special talents. Anyway, don't worry so much about her being snubbed. So was that girl whose name I can't remember, but she had a vagina too. It happens.

Conclusion: Lulu says shame on you Oprah! We need to see Sarah Palin on your show post haste in order for there to be total fairness in politics and we all know that fairness is the bottom line in all things political! I know because I heard someone say that once on FOX!

And Pheebs says, use YouTube Tina Fey. Everyone else does! Even us! And Oprah can do what she wants! You aren't the boss of her, Tina.