"Palin butts into McCain talk
Published: September 18th, 2008 07:12 AM
Last Modified: September 18th, 2008 07:12 AM
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - Sarah Palin, cloistered since her surprise pick as the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate, symbolically butted in and answered her first question from a member of the public since joining the ticket.
The Alaska governor, appearing at a town hall with GOP presidential nominee John McCain Wednesday night, interrupted him, saying, "John, John, can I add something?"
McCain, smiling, replied, "Always."
Palin argued that McCain's support for sending thousands more U.S. troops to Iraq put the country on the cusp of victory and was freeing it to focus elsewhere in its battle against terrorists.
"We must win there so that we can win in Afghanistan also," Palin said. "He knows how to win a war."
"If you want specifics and specific policy or countries, go ahead, you can ask me. You can even play stump-the-candidate if you want," Palin challenged her questioner."
Lulu and Phoebe are fans of Shrek. Especially fond of the opening where the Eddie Murphy's character, Donkey jumps up and down, much like Palin, and yells out "PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME" makes them roll with snorty laughter followed by a firm woof woof. They make me (the one with opposable thumbs) snap the remote back to this same scene over and over until they start to pee with laughter, which is where I call it quits!
Reading them this article, they giggled, and snorted with extra saliva at the hilarity of Palin pretending to be the Donkey. And even then, after they finished wooting in laughter accented by farts rather than pee this time, they both suddenly took pause. Holy Balenciga, said Lulu. Woof said Phoebe. Palin wants to take over the Donkey role? Ah, the figure of speech that leads to all kinds of imagery........
Nooo, I tell them. She wishes to be a very conservatively gray elephant that stomps her way to Washington, where some elephants currently hold the title for biggest (and here we go again with the imagery) asses on the planet. But unlike Eddie Murphy's Donkey, Palin is not ready for prime time.
Lulu and Phoebe's conclusion? Read lots more of the very entertaining Anchorage Daily News. They might be the first to say she has flubbed the audition but good. And they are not sure they want her back. http://www.adn.com/
The remedy? Lulu and Phoebe remember with clarity the day that The View's Sherrie Shepherd said that the world was flat. Perhaps, if that is true (Sherrie, are you related to the equally geography challenged Sarah?) then maybe the two of you could go for a little bitty drive to this wonderful resort that is located just off the Bridge to Nowhere, located on the edge of the flat world. Sarah can tell you how to get there. She can see a bit of Russia from there, that Bridge to Nowhere.
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