Take 3 minutes and watch this YouTube video. This is McPalin before she was cast in the role as Wonder Woman in stilettos. You really have to wonder what they were drinking (as in the kool-aid) when they picked this lunatic.
The two major questions asked are about the upcoming trooper-gate, and the chance that she might be the VEEP pick. The Veep question begins at 2:08.
It is not even clear that she knows what a Governor does, let alone the Vice President of the United States. Perhaps she skipped high school US History class? Clearly, she has yet to meet her role model, Darth Vader Cheney? As far as we know she still has not met his highness who hides in the mountain. Perhaps that will happen once they learn that they both love to shoot. At anything. (Hello Harry Whittington). So much in common. Cheney flunked (oops, dropped) out of Yale. McPalin dropped out of several community colleges and yet won the title of Miss Congeniality. Congratulations Sarah!
A suggestion before viewing. A large glass of merlot.
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