With a mere six days to go, (wasn't the earth "created" in six days?) the latest news should have you reaching for the Maalox. Or the wine bottle.
First the good news. Even with all the brouhaha that McCracker keeps alluding to, nothing seems to be happening to their numbers except a nosedive. It looks like President Obama will be with us in just a few short days, and hopefully with a landslide that no hanging chad can undo.
The bad news? Today it was reported that big old strategy meetings are taking place and will take place in the Republican camp (read: the far right camp) that will include discussions of Palin on a ticket in 2012. Yes, indeed. Get back up on that chair. You read that correctly. Miss Alaska #2 thinks she has the stuff to run for the Presidency.
Yesterday when asked by a news reporter if she (Palin) thought she was an intellectual, she said "absolutely, you betcha". And she continued (in my head)....
I am a smart person, that is, I mean I am an intellectual that can read. Books and newspapers and things. I can execute executive things when that is for energy policy. I am a Governor of a state that is larger than Russia which I can see from my house. I have a First Dude who has also seen Putin's eyes from my house. I have a wardrobe that is going to charity after I wear it for the time which is to have an opportunity to explore energy policy and the Bush doctrine. I have shoes that are not comfortable and an infant that really is just an infant, that is, an infant that is not mine, but mine in that special special way. And don't tell Hasselbeck but I do know a Jimmy Choo from a Manolo. I was just kidding when I said Johnny Choo because I could, that is, Hasselbeck is my BFF. Hehehe. It's like Olive the operator. Or Ted the tailor. Or Sarah the President. Hehe. That's me, that is, that is me in 2012!
Or not. Let us hope that after finding Steven's guilty the Alaskan crew has finally realized that they don't have to settle for moronic village idiots. Let us hope that they put Sarah Barracud-ass back where she belongs. At the car wash with First Dude car washer, Todd.
Lulu and Phoebe are hiding under the bed for the next six days.
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