As G.W. packs his suitcases, or his toybox with his legos, several thoughts come to mind. Each and every one of them require a full glass of a very bold merlot to endure.
Sipping and comtemplating the end of the W-Era reminds me that when all is said and done, the world will see the misunderappreciation of G.W. as clearly as we see the stars in the night sky in Manhattan.
Think of the things that people like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will miss.

- A President who actually speaks English as a second, or third language.
- A President who thinks that Nucular is a word and a damn serious one at that.
- A President who has a tough time eating the same snack food that two-year-olds consume regularly without choking.
- A President who has only gotten to chapter two in the book that he began his first year in the White House, Fun with Dick and
GeorgeJane. - A President who is geographically challenged and probably believed Palin that she could see Putin from her porch.
- A President with keen mental skills who can tell you the difference between his office and that of the Vice President (none).
- A President who actually said in print that he won the election for Barack Obama (yes indeed, the interview in People).
- A President who by mulct (look it up) took the Presidency to begin with.
- A President who by every defining accomplishment has turned out to be as savvy as the 7-11 on the next corner.
- A President who by all measure is not smarter than a 5th grader.
- A President who has actually said that he thinks history will show that he was a great leader.
I am guessing that by this time next year there will be a slim picture book tome on bookshelves somewhere in this country, the Real America, where the misunderappreciation of W will be a hot-cake best seller. It might even be written in English. Who knows? Perhaps Sarah Palin will pen the introduction.
And by the way, some people think it is a good idea to wear a helmet when riding a (self balancing) Segway*. Just in case you fall off. Or fly through the air like Mary Poppins** on a bad day.
W. You are totally an ass misunderappreciated. So long. And don't let the door hit your middle finger on the way out!

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